In a constant search for transparency in the relationship with all related parties (stakeholders), the Corporate Governance Model adopted by Yamas is based on the best practices in the market. Its main objectives are to enable Yamas to act in a transparent, responsible and sustainable manner, with full respect for the Brazilian Corporate Law, and in compliance with all provisions contained in the ANBIMA and CVM Regulations.
In line with this philosophy of transparency, Yamas' Corporate Governance structure is composed of the Board of Directors and its Committees, the Executive Board and Compliance.
Administrative Board
The Board of Directors is an autonomous body of a collegiate nature, composed of up to seven members, whose activities are regulated by Internal Regulations, whose main responsibilities are to guide Yamas' business, monitor its investments as well as its operation and management, decide on strategic issues, guide the Board on relevant topics, in addition to creating Committees for specific matters.
Yamas' Board of Directors are supported by investments committees. The action of the Committees should facilitate decision-making by the Board of Directors. The committee is made up of directors and external specialists. The committee analyzes, monitors and supports the decisions inherent to the composition of the investments, including, but not limited to, the acquisition and / or sale of assets in the portfolio.
Board of Directors
The Executive Board is composed of three members. The Directors are responsible for Yamas' investments and sustainable management, represented by its operational and financial performance, by the implementation of the strategy defined by the Board of Directors, in addition to carrying out projects and studies of a strategic nature.
Yamas' Compliance is performed by one of the Directors reporting to the Board of Directors and carries out planned verification activities, in addition to meeting requests from the Board and / or the Board of Directors, aiming to adapt all Yamas' practices and activities.
Code of Ethics
Yamas' has a Code of Ethics, which is disclosed and provided to all its contributors.